Carson a bheirinn tabhartas?

Tha am Faclair Beag gu tur saor an-asgaidh agus mairidh e mar sin.  Ge-tà, 's e obair mhòr a bha ann, thug digiteachadh dhen fhaclair aig Dwelly bliadhnaichean agus an uairsin a chur air an lìon mar fhaclair as urrainn dhut rannsachadh.  B' fheudar dhuinn làrach ùr a dhealbhadh airson an fhaclair ùir, le feartan ùra agus goireasan briathrachais ùra a chur ris, leithid Faclair nan Gnàthasan-cainnte.  Agus a bharrachd air sin bidh sinn a' sìor obair air clàir ùra an Fhaclair Bhig.

Rinn sinn seo gun sgillinn ruadh bho bhuidheann oifigeach sam bith.  Chaidh a mhaoineachadh leis ar tìde, fallas is airgead fhèin.  Ma bhios tu a' cur an Fhaclair Bhig agus Dwelly-d gu feum gu tric 's ma tha thu sa bheachd gur e rud math a tha ann, nach gabh thu beachd air taic-airigid bheag a thoirt dhuinn?  Mar a thuirt sinn, cha leig thu leas sinn a dhèanamh 's bidh am Faclair Beag ri do làimh fhathast.  Ach bhitheamaid anabarrach toilichte nan cuireadh tu romhad tabhartas a thoirt dhuinn, ge be mòr no beag.

'S e PayPal an dòigh as fhasa airson sin a dhèanamh agus cha leig thu leas ach briogadh air a' cheangal dathach a leanas. Innidh PayPal dhut air an ath dhuilleag na tha agad ri dhèanamh.

Air neo, mur eil thu cofhurtail leis a-sin, 's urrainn dhut seic a chur thugainn cuideachd ma tha thu a' fuireach ann am Breatainn. 'S e "Michael Bauer" an t-ainm a dh'fheumadh tu a chur air agus a chur an uairsin gu:

1/2, 47 Wilton Street
Glaschu G20 6RT

Mòran taing, a charaid!

Why Should I Donate?

Am Faclair Beag is totally free and will remain so.  Creating it was a lot of work though - digitising Dwelly took many years and then it had to be put onto the web as a searchable dictionary.  Then we had to build the new dictionary framework, with added features and integrate new terminology resources such as Faclair nan Gnàthasan-cainnte.  And then there's ongoing work of course to create new entries for AFB.

All that was was without a penny of funding from any official source.   It was all funded on our own time, sweat and money.  If  you use AFB and Dwelly-d a lot and think it's a good thing that's useful to you, we'd be very happy if you would consider donating a little something towards it. As we said before, you don't have to and you'll still be able to use it.  But we'd be very happy if you did decide to contribute, however much that may be.

The easiest of doing so is by using PayPal and all you need to to is click on the flashy link below. PayPal will then explain to you what you need to do on the next page.

Or, if you're not entirely happy doing that, you can send us a cheque if you live in Britain. Please make it out to "Michael Bauer" and the send the cheque to the following address:

1/2, 47 Wilton Street
Glaschu G20 6RT

Mòran taing, a charaid!