
Tha sinn glè thoilichte do bheachdan a chluinntinn agus ma tha moladh no càineadh sam bith agad - no ma tha thu airson facal taic a chur thugainn - air an fhaclair, innis dhuinn ach an cuir sinn ceart e.

Chaidh stòr-dàta an fhaclair a cheartachadh cho mionaideach 's a ghabhas ach, le barrachd air 74,000 clàir ann, feumaidh gu bheil àireamh de mhearachdan beaga ann fhathast. Nach leig thu fios dhuinn ma thachras tu air tè?

Seo an seòladh againn:

Email Address fios at

Mòran taing!

*Mearachdan le Internet Explorer a tha sinn eòlach orra*

Tha cuid de dhuilgheadasan (seallaidh) ann le cuid dhe na tionndaidhean (nas sine) de dh'Internet Explorer (gu h-àirid IE7). Chan urrainn dhuinn sin a chur ceart ach nan cosgadh sinn torr tìde air. Ach ma tha sin 'gad chur drol, nach feuch thu aon dhe na sealladairean-lìn eile mar Firefox, Opera no SeaMonkey (a tha an còd tùsail fosgailte agus saor an-asgaidh) no tionndadh nas ùire de dh'Internet Explorer?




We welcome your feedback and would be very pleased if you would like to contact us with you comments or suggestions - or a message of support - for future improvements. The dictionary database has been very carefully proof read however with over 74,000 entries it is inevitable that a very small number of typographical errors will remain. Please help us by reporting any errors you find so that we can correct them.

Please contact us by email at:

Email adress fios at

Thank you very much!

*Know issues with Internet Explorer*

There are some display issues in some (older) versions of Internet Explorer (especially IE7). We can't fix that unless we spend a lot of time on it. But if that annoys you, you may want to consider upgrading to another web browser such as Firefox, Opera or SeaMonkey (which are open source and free of charge) or a newer version of Internet Explorer.